Teen/Adolescent Counseling
"Some of the most comforting words in the universe are 'me too'. That moment when you find out that your struggle is also someone else's struggle, that you're not alone, and that others have been down the same road."
Counseling for Teenagers
Teenagers face a number of day to day struggles including bullying and harassment, peer pressure, social media, rejection, school difficulties, hormonal changes, and a shift in living arrangements or family dynamics. Also, teenagers may be dealing with traumatic experiences by acting out, isolating, or hiding their feelings and experiences. Furthermore, teenagers benefit from therapy during times of transition, such as starting out at a new school, coping with their parents divorce, or preparing to transition from high school to college. These struggles may contribute to extreme changes in mood, mood disorders, behavioral problems and substance abuse; all of which are indicators that your teen may benefit from talking with a therapist.
In counseling, teenagers will learn skills to process their experiences, communicate their feelings, and improve their overall functioning. In addition, parents can learn how to improve communications with their teens. Sometimes parents are surprised about things they discover related to their child on social media and they need support in addressing those issues as well.
Relationships are extremely important in an adolescent's world, and effective therapy occurs when they find someone they can trust and connect with to help them navigate the complex challenges of the teenage years. A therapist also provides your teen a private place to talk about everything they’re going through and experiencing. At Winding Rivers Counseling LLC, our approach to counseling teenagers is to be authentic, honest, and straightforward; while also using humor to help them feel at-ease and open to being vulnerable.
If you have questions about the process or would like information about scheduling, please call
715-514-0493 or email our office at Front-Desk@windingriverscounseling.com We look forward to working with you!